ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT - Music for Re-Tem Mito Factory | ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT - Music for Re-Tem Mito Factory |

Music for Re-Tem Mito Factory ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT Music, 2004

CD Album (7 tracks, total time 48'04.)
Artists: Nao Tokui / tamrax / anagma [Ken Furudate]
Produced by Re-Tem Corporation
Composed for the Environmental Report 2004 published by Re-Tem, using the sound recorded at Re-Tem Mito Factory.
Concept and design by SETENV.

Nao Tokui

1.Subtle Tone

2.Here to There

3.Resources We Have


4. untitled.74

5. untitled.37

anagma [Ken Furudate]

6. gb(untitled.1)

7. sp(untitled.2)